Our Tips for navigating a temporary PrEP shortage
Have you had trouble picking your PrEP up from your local pharmacy? You’re not alone, and we can tell you why.
Recently, some companies that make generic PrEP have had a shortage. But don’t worry—here’s what you can do.

If you have just refilled
If you’ve already picked up your three-month supply, there’s no need to do anything. We expect more stock to be available in the coming months.
If you need to fill your prescription
Some pharmacies might only give you a 30-day supply instead of the full 90 days. This helps make sure everyone can get PrEP. Talk to your pharmacist about their stock levels, and ask if they’ll have enough when you need to refill.
If possible, call your pharmacy before going, especially if it’s a bit of a trip.
If your pharmacist has no stock.
No need to panic. You can still get PrEP easily.
Try a nearby pharmacy: Ask your pharmacist if other sites have stock
Order your PrEP online: If you haven’t ordered PrEP online before, it’s simple and ships directly to you. Visit our Buy PrEP Online page, choose your seller, and select your product—usually a 90-pill (3 bottles) supply of generic Truvada, often listed as Ricovir EM, Tenof EM, or Tavin EM.
Make sure you choose the correct medication by reading the product details carefully. Then upload your prescription and check out. You can receive your medication in 5-7 days with fast shipping.
What if i’ve run out of PrEP completely?
If you’ve recently been exposed to HIV and don’t have enough PrEP, visit getpep.info to access PEP from a clinic or hospital.
If you usually take Daily PrEP but aren’t having sex more than a couple of times a week, you could consider switching to PrEP on Demand. This means taking two pills before sex, one the next day, and a final pill 24 hours later.
We have a guide on taking On Demand PrEP on our Use PrEP page
In a pinch, we know our community often shares medication. If you borrow pills from a friend, make sure it’s the same medication and follow the right steps to stay protected. For a guide on how to time your doses - follow our How To Use PrEP guide
Still need help?
We’re here for you. Email us at info@pan.org.au or join our Facebook group to ask any questions.
More information
Our friends at Emen8 have an article explaining the supply interuption
You can check out Rinse and Repeat for information on On Demand (or Event Based) PrEP
Find a pharmacy
We've contacted the following stores to assess stock levels.
Know about stock in your local pharmacy? Let us know!